Early Exploration of Kentucky
Kentucky was a thriving land with rich soil and full of game. This drove many explorers into the land hoping to find settlement and even create a state.
Episode 4: Early Exploration
In this episode we discuss the early exploration of Kentucky and the first contact these explorers had with Native Americans. We also discuss how the French and Indian War contributed to colonist moving to Kentucky.
Episode 9: Fort Logan & Other Forts in Kentucky
In this episode our host discuss Fort Logan and the many other forts you can find in Kentucky. What was life like in the forts? How were the forts similar? Many struggles and hardships faced the many who braved to come and settle in Kentucky.
Why did people come to Kentucky?
In this episode of History Nuts, we discuss the history of The Cumberland Gap and if it could be called the "Ellis Island of the West".
History Nuts is a LIVE show, on Facebook Live, airing most Thursday evenings at 9pm EST. The show is hosted by Russ Carson, Jr., Founder of Family Tree Nuts, and Jameson Cable, Founder of Kentucky History Podcast. Anyone can join in and add comments or questions live on the show. There is a different historical topic each week.
Family Tree Nuts Founder, Col. Russ Carson Jr, and Jameson Cable, of The Kentucky History Podcast, take a look at our interesting topic.
Colonel Richard Henderson led the Transylvania Company in the purchase of a huge chuck of land in modern day Kentucky and Tennessee from the Cherokee. Was this legal? What happened to Transylvania?